AFF102 Mkii Advanced Hydrology Study System Educational Equipment Hydrodynamics Lab equipment
1. Description
This apparatus demonstrates some of the major physical processes found in hydrology and fluvial geomorphology, including: rainfall hydrographs for catchment areas of varying permeability; the abstraction of ground water by wells, both with and without surface recharge from rainfall; the formation of river features and effects of sediment transport. Realistic results can be obtained from this small scale, floor standing apparatus, which can be conveniently located and requires no special services. 2. INVESTIGATION CAPABILITIES
Determination of runoff hydrographs from model catchments including multiple storms, moving storms, effect of reservoir storage and land drains
Construction of drawdown curves for one or two well systems in a sand bed
Hydraulic gradients in ground water flow
Investigation of model stream flow in alluvial material
Formation of river features and development over time
Sediment transport, bedload motion, scour and erosion