AFF055 Comparison of Pumps Didactic Equipment Hydrodynamics Laboratory equipment
Description investigation of the operating behaviour of centrifugal, piston andsidechannel pumps all pumps driven separately bythreephase AC motorscentrifugal pumps can be operated in series or parallel configuration The experiments familiarise studentswith various pump types, such as centrifugal and positivedisplacement pumps. The trainer includes two centrifugal pumps, one piston pump as a positivedisplacement pump and a selfpriming sidechannel pump.
The sidechannelpump works primarily as acentrifugalpump and, depending on liquid level, canalso act as a positivedisplacementpump.
This means, as a special feature,the sidechannel pump also permitsgases to be pumped. The pump being investigated pumps water in a closed circuit. In the process,the performance data of the pump andpressure losses in the pipeline are recorded.
The centrifugal pumps can alsobe operated in parallel or in series configuration. Each pump is driven by a separate threephase AC motor.
The speedof the motors for the centrifugal pumpsis variably adjustable by a frequencyconverter. All motors are mounted onswivel bearings, so the torque can bemeasured by way of a force sensor, enabling the mechanical drive power output to be determined. One free position is likewise equippedwith a reversible threephase AC motorwith variable speed.
This position can beused for mounting of any pump. Experiments demonstrate the basic operating behaviour of various pump types. Relevant measured values can be readon digital displays.
At the same time, themeasured values can also be transmitted directly to a PC via USB.
The dataacquisition software is included.
The performance data of the pump and lossesin the pipeline are calculated by the software and represented by characteristiccurves.
The operating point of the pumpcan be determined from these characteristics. Learning objectives/experiments investigation and comparison of the operating behaviour of various pumptypes: centrifugal pumps piston pump (positivedisplacementpump) sidechannel pump recording a pump characteristic curve recording a system characteristiccurve determining efficiency investigation and comparison of parallel and series configuration of centrifugal pumps comparison of pump types